Marty was a fife
instructor for Carey's, Prospect Drum Corps, New Fairfield Sparklers, a section leader for St. Peter's fife line, and an ensemble
judge for the CF&DA. Many of Marty's students went on to become State and Northeastern Champions also.
The CF&DA, Hudson Valley Association, and the Mass. FD&B Association
approved a perpetual trophy in memory of Martin D. Andrews to be awarded at their respective championship competitions to
the individual with the highest fife score of the day.
Marty spent 23 of his 30 years in Drum Corps. His accomplishments
and perseverance showed his dedication to Drum Corps life, and Drum Corps life gave him the freedom to express himself in
music and the experience of performing his musical talents in different parts of the United States and many European countries.
There may be others equally dedicated to the fife, but none more so
than Marty Andrews. The only time he was truly content was when he made music with his fife.
Questions about the scholarship?
Contact Peter Andrews, at 860-482-0808, or by e-mail at